Crafting A Winning Offer
You will absolutely make more money in less time when you master the offer game!
Are you tired of finding your clients the perfect home and then they don't take your advise on the price and terms they need to present to win the offer?
You all know when you lose a contract on the home of your client’s dreams there are many consequences.
The most costly and devastating is when the client no longer wants to work with you.
Ironically, when a client loses a home they often blame it on their real estate agent even when the agent gave them advice about how to improve their offer that they didn't take. The net result is a ton of time wasted for both the client and the agent and a tense relationship.
The goal of this course is to help you reframe your mindset and conversations to help the client position their offer to WIN, and become your raving fan for life.
It is also designed to help you have the right conversations with the client so that if they do not win, they feel they were empowered and informed of all their options and they ultimately made a conscious decision not to move forward.
This course is valued at $3,970... you can get started NOW for only $397.
Calling The Listing Agent
The 12 Steps
Deciding The Purchase Price
Home Inspection
Lender Leverage
Framing and Deciding The Listing Price
This course is valued at $3,970
5 payments @ 87/mo.
Let Dan & Keri finance it...
Daniel Lesniak
Keri Shull